The new book by Thomas Zerlauth covers topics such as our mind, sports, flow, mental training, the secret hero’s journey of winners, positioning, strategy, mental strength, and the psychological elements of competition.
About the secrets of all winners
This book describes flow and the path to it in a unique and previously unexplored manner. Flow is not a random occurrence but the natural consequence of a condition or atmosphere of the mental space that an athlete can prepare and invite. The qualities of this space can not only be explored but also significantly influenced. The author, a mental coach to many successful athletes, managers, and companies, provides practical and understandable insights into how we must understand the ego, the role of our self-narrative, and how to better understand our mind.
The Magic Zone
After several decades as a coach for highly successful athletes and managers, Thomas Zerlauth reveals his approach to that state which all top athletes eagerly long for. He refers to this state, which transcends athletes but is devoid of space, as „The Magic Zone,“ because it changes everything in a magical way but unfortunately cannot be intentionally created. For many, it seems to appear out of the blue and mostly by chance.
Zerlauth describes how he supports athletes on their hero’s journey and teaches them to align themselves correctly and get ready for it, so to speak.
He follows a script and reveals what one can consciously contribute and at which point one must let go and surrender to unconscious competence. Ultimately, it’s about the inner transformation of all winners, known as the hero’s journey.
This journey begins with the self and ends where the self takes a back seat and yields the stage. The author unveils what is perhaps the greatest secret of all winners and explains it so simply that it not only sounds natural but is also understandable. It’s always somewhat simple and obvious in hindsight when you already know the solution to a tricky puzzle. This is the claim of the book. It solves the toughest puzzle that all types of competitors face and demonstrates what winners do differently and precisely how people become winners.